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Device:Force Track Emitter

└ Module: Charge


While train bridges can be beautiful works of art, sometimes a high-tech minimalist approach fits an engineer's style. With that in mind, Railcraft, Inc. is proud to bring to you Laser Tracks! Worried that those creosote timbers will burst into flames? Does laying stone and concrete foundations into bedrock to create monstrous bridges make you tired just thinking of them? Then a laser track is for you!

Using the Force Track Emitter to create laser tracks couldn't be easier. Simply point the emitter towards a distant piece of track you wish to connect, supply it with power from an Electric Feeder Unit and turn it on with a redstone signal of your choosing.

In Minecraft 1.12.2 development versions, you can right click a force track emitter with a piece of dye to set its color. Note that this will consume the dye.



Force Track Emitter

Tin PlateCopper IngotTin PlateCopper IngotDiamond BlockCopper IngotTin PlateCopper IngotTin PlateForce Track Emitter

See: Crafting Guide


