
└ Module: Core


These items are one of the key parts in all track recipes, alongside the Railbeds. If the Factory module is installed, they are crafted at the Rolling Machine, but otherwise they are crafted at a standard workbench using the same recipes.

If you would prefer not to use Railcraft's style of recipes, you can disable them in the railcraft.cfg file. Just set the “tweaks.rails.useOldRecipes” tag to true. ??? (not working in 9.6.10 version)


  • Wooden Rails were added in version 6.0.0, previously Wooden Ties had been used.
  • Reinforced Rails were added in version 5.4.0.
  • Recipes changed significantly with version 5.0.0. Additionally, Gold-Plate and Laminate Rails were renamed to Advanced and H.S Rails.


Standard Rail

Beside Iron Ingots, Rails can produced with different Materials. For example Bronze, Refined Iron or Steel Ingots. Dependent on the value of the specific Ingot its output of rails differ.

Iron IngotIron IngotIron IngotIron IngotIron IngotIron IngotStandard Rail

See: Crafting Guide



Image Pending

In a rolling machine, place 3 copper ingots in each of the leftmost and rightmost column. This will produce 6 electric rails. Only works in series 10 and above.

Note: This image below only applies to series 9 and below. In series 10 and above (Minecraft 1.8+), this is removed!

Standard RailCopper IngotStandard RailStandard RailCopper IngotStandard RailStandard RailCopper IngotStandard RailElectric Rail

See: Crafting Guide

  • Added in version

Advanced Rail

Image Pending

In a rolling machine, place 3 gold ingots in the leftmost column and 3 redstone dusts in the rightmost column. This will produce 6 advanced rails. Only works in series 10 and above.

Note: This image below only applies to series 9 and below. In series 10 and above (Minecraft 1.8+), this is removed!

Standard RailRedstoneGold IngotStandard RailRedstoneGold IngotStandard RailRedstoneGold IngotAdvanced Rail

See: Crafting Guide

Wooden Rail

Reinforced Rail

H.S. Rail


part/rails.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/06 13:42 by
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