Track:Gated Track

└ Module: Tracks


tracks and fence are crossing These rails also function as a fence gate. They can be opened/closed manually or via redstone.

One-Way Gates boosts the minecart through the gate in order to prevent it from being pushed backwards by any animals in the area.


  • Using a Crowbar on the rail will reverse the direction the gate opens.
  • Make the fence double tall near gates or else animals can climb on the minecart and jump the fence.
  • Use Control Tracks to keep carts from stalling when crowded by animals.
  • Place a Detector block, facing up, under the rail to automatically open the gate.


  • Added in version 3.3.0


Gated Rail

Gated One-Way Rail



track/gated_track.txt · Last modified: 2015/04/22 19:21 by
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