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Device:World Anchor

└ Module: Chunk-Loading

Note: This machine has been since renamed to Worldspike in 10.2.0. Anchor Sentinels have been renamed to Worldspike Point as well.


The World Anchor works to keep an area of 3×3 chunks, centered on the Anchor, loaded and active even if the player is not near. Be warned, the more of these you place, the greater the burden on your PC. For this reason they are also fairly costly.

In addition to the high cost, Anchors also have a maintenance fee (this can be disabled via the config files if you wish). Every so many real-life hours (12 is the default) the Anchor will eat an Ender Pearl in order to maintain operation. The Anchor will remember how many hours remain even if you break the block and stick it in your inventory.

Anchors can also be disabled via a Redstone signal, this will turn the Anchor off (preventing fuel use) and probably cause the chunk to unload. In order to turn the Anchor back on, you will most likely need to personally travel to the Anchor.

World Anchors come in four flavors, the standard World Anchor, the Personal Anchor, the Admin Anchor and the Passive Anchor. The differences are listed below:

World Anchor Features

Personal Anchor Features

Admin Anchor Features

Passive Anchor Features

Also, the World Anchor has a secondary feature, Anchor Sentinels. They allow you do define a one chunk wide strip of chunks to load, up to 25×1 chunks max. To use them, put down a World Anchor or Personal Anchor, walk straight away from it, and place a Anchor Sentinel. Right click the Sentinel with a Crowbar and then right-click the World Anchor and your good to go! It should be noted that in this mode, Anchors no longer load the normal 3×3 area around the Anchor. In fact, it is even possible to load only a single chunk using Sentinel pairing. The fuel consumption depends on the nummber of loaded chunks.

Using the Trackman's Goggles you can bring up an “aura” of purple particles in chunks under the influence of a World Anchor or Anchor Cart.



World Anchor

Gold IngotObsidianGold IngotDiamondEnder PearlDiamondGold IngotObsidianGold IngotWorld Anchor

See: Crafting Guide

Personal Anchor

Gold IngotObsidianGold IngotEmeraldEnder PearlEmeraldGold IngotObsidianGold IngotPersonal Anchor

See: Crafting Guide

Anchor Sentinel

Ender PearlObsidianObsidianGold IngotObsidianWorld Sentinel

See: Crafting Guide

Admin Anchor

Only obtainable with the /give command or in creative.

