Cart:Tank Cart

└ Module: Transport

Tank Cart

Name Tank Cart
Registry name railcraft:cart_tank
Health 6


tank_cart_screenshot.jpg This cart can store and transport any liquid and is completely compatible with Buildcraft. It is filled/emptied at a Liquid Loader/Unloader. Its capacity is the same as a Buildcraft Tank, 16 buckets.

The liquid a Tank Cart can carry can be restricted by either placing a bucket in the filter slot or by crafting a Tank Cart and a bucket together. This will work with any Buildcraft Liquid.

Additionaly, you can connect a tank cart with a steam locomotive and fill it with water. It will automatically load the internal tank of the loco. Perfect for longer journeys.


  • Recipe changed in version 6.0.0
  • Recipe changed and a filter system added in version 5.3.0
  • Capacity and Fill Rate can be adjusted in the config file.


Tank Cart

Filtered Tank Cart

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cart/tank_cart.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/24 21:20 by
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