Box:Signal Capacitor Box

└ Module: Signal


This box can be placed next to a Signal Receiver Box or Signal Block Relay Box and will then emit a Redstone pulse for a predefined length of time whenever the adjacent box emits Redstone. It is conceptually similar to a RedPower State Cell.

Right clicking on the box will open its GUI. In this GUI, you can see the current amount of time it will emit redstone, which is adjustable. Additionally, there is a button that will toggle between 'Rising Edge' and 'Falling Edge'.

Rising Edge will emit a redstone pulse for the length of time specified once an adjacent box emits a redstone signal. Falling edge will hold the redstone pulse until the specified time after an adjacent box stops emitting a redstone signal (creating a delay).




box/signal_capacitor_box.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/23 03:25 by
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