Tool:Iceman's Backpack

└ Module: Forestry Help


NOTE: This item is useless if you also have Forestry installed.

Thanks to the hard work and cooperation of the folks over at Forestry Supply Co., we are able to bring you a Backpack tailored specifically to the needs of any hardy Iceman who braves the snowy wastes. Admittedly this is a little outside of Railcraft, Inc.'s normal product lines, but it just so happens our CEO is a hardy Iceman.

The Iceman's Backpack is capable of holding Snowballs, Snow Blocks, Ice, and Ice/Snow Walls. But it also has the ability to compress Snowballs into Snow Blocks or Snow Blocks into Snowballs if desired. It does this by attempting to keep no more than 15 and no less than 8 Snowballs in the bag at any time.

They can be upgraded in the same manor as any other Forestry Backpack, with a Diamond and 7 Woven Silk in a Carpenter.


  • Added in version




tool/icemans_backpack.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/06 11:43 by
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