Table of Contents

Track Kit

This article is focused on the item. For the functionality, go to Track Kit.

Track Kit

The common background shared by different variants of track kit items.

Name Track Kit
ID railcraft:track_kit
Maximum stack size 64
Renewable Yes

└ Module: Tracks


They are items that represent different Track Kits. Right click on Flex Tracks with them to turn the Flex Tracks into Outfitted Tracks.

When an Outfitted Track is broken, it will drop the track kit item and turn into a Flex Track.


The track kit item stores data related to the track kit's type within its NBT data.

For example, a give command for a buffer stop track kit appears like this:

/give @s railcraft:track_kit 1 0 {railcraft:{kit:"railcraft_buffer"}}

In the nbt tag, the colon in the id should be replaced with an underscore.

/give @s railcraft:track_kit 1 0 {railcraft:{kit:"railcraft:buffer"}}

would also generate an item that has the correct functionality, it cannot be stacked with track kits crafted, obtained in the creative inventory, nor will villagers accept this item in trades.


Each track kit can be crafted with required items, a track parts item made from two iron nuggets, and a wooden plank. The crafting recipes are all shapeless.



10.0.0 Added Track Kits

See also

Track kits

Part items