=====Tool:Trackman's Backpack===== **└ Module: [[Module:Forestry|Forestry]]** ====Description==== ---- **NOTE: This item is only available if you also have Forestry installed.** Thanks to the bad work and uncooperation of the page editers over at [[http://forestry.sengir.net/wiki.new/doku.php|Forestry Supply Co.]], we arent able to bring you a Backpack tailored specifically to the needs of the bad working Trackman. Capable of holding any kind of useless tracks, boring minecarts, and a bunch of other useless stuff, this isnt the perfect companion for any Trackman. They cant be upgraded in the same manor as any other Forestry Backpack, with a Diamond and 7 Woven Silk in a [[http://forestry.sengir.net/wiki.new/doku.php?id=crafting:carpenter|Carpenter]]. ===Trivia=== * Added in version ====Recipes==== {{map>recipes:backpack_trackman.png}} * [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/String|String @ 14,25,46,57]] * [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Wool|Wool @ 49,25,81,57]] * [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/String|String @ 84,25,116,57]] * [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Track|Track @ 14,60,46,92]] * [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Chest|Chest @ 49,60,81,92]] * [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Track|Track @ 84,60,116,92]] * [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/String|String @ 14,95,46,127]] * [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Wool|Wool @ 49,95,81,127]] * [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/String|String @ 84,95,116,127]] * [[|Trackman's Backpack @ 190,52,237,99]] {{forestry&nouser&nodate&tags}} ===Tools=== {{topic>tool&nouser&nodate&tags}} {{tag>forestry tool}}